Rhyanna Watson - Don't Block Your Blessings
Rhyanna Watson

Rhyanna Watson

Session TitleOpen Hearts Can Unite Soulful Play Flow

Rhyanna Watson is a yoga teacher, fitness trainer, and popular Instagrammer and YouTuber, who has had a love of all things fitness from a young age. She has both played water polo and swam for Tasmania, competed in track at the Pan-Pacific Games and been a fitness director on cruise ships, and she now offers a range of online wellness programmes. Rhyanna is a bold, compassionate writer, yoga teacher, wellness trainer and social media sensation who has come out the other side of a lot of personal trauma both stronger and happier – explores how to strip back your protective layers back. She loves helping her community on and offline to be brave enough to live in ways that they previously only dreamt of – fit, open, vibrant, contented, true to themselves and free. She is now keen to share her messages of love and empowerment too all she connects with online, offline with her movement and book.

Instagram: @openheartscanunite